The year is 1954, Mr. Govind Karvir was working hard building a reputation in the semi-finished gold jewellery business. From the mighty gods to holy mangalsutras, he was known for crafting heritage pieces that transcended generations. His hard work, dedication, and skill came together to form a legacy like no other.
In another era, an enterprising young man, Mr. Rajesh Karvir, identified a growing demand for diamond cutting machines. As exquisite as a diamond is, these machines required precision, skill, and knowledge like no other to bring to life the perfect cut diamond. Focusing on quality and innovation, his machines took the diamond world by storm. The jewellery industry was undergoing a paradigm shift.
In the heart of these stories, lies the origin of our foundation. Valerie Jewels is not only our family’s legacy, it is a journey that has seen years of heart and soul poured into it. We not only carve our love and dedication into each of the pieces we create, we also give away a bit of our being every time we sell our jewellery so you could experience our happiness, unadulterated.